Looking for recommendation for good controller card for DIY


Newbie to this forum though I’ve been suing LightBurn with my Ortur for quite some time now. As I’m getting a new CNC machine, I’m also looking to build a diode laser gantry on top of it so I can use the same table for both.

I’m looking for recommendations on a good controller card, with these features:

  • Offline control and wired USB control (I don’t need Bluetooth or WiFi as I prefer just using a flash drive or memory card to transfer files)
  • preferably something that doesn’t need a ton of fiddling with code / firmware to get it to work (just set up some configurations specific to the machine and that’s it)
  • something capable of fast motion as I plan to have at least an 80W diode laser on it
  • decent sized and easy to use control screen (nothing huge, just at least 2.5-3" so it’s not tiny)
  • Nothing crazy expensive, though I know good cards aren’t very cheap
    Nice to have:
  • Separate Dual Y axis motors and Dual Y axis limit switches (such that I can have separate Y axis motors, each homing to their own limit switch)
  • 12V and 24V laser support

I’ve been looking for board recommendations in quite a few places and there doesn’t seem to be a good place for it, so I thought I would turn to the forums of the software I know I plan to use.

Many thanks in advance!!!

Offline control for a CNC? (What? Router? )I would not do that. Way to unflexible.

Look for something like EDING CNC then. Though it would possibly not support Lightburn.

The 80W is barely the electrical Input power, you know that?
The Motion speed on a CNC (Router?) Would almost certanly be limited by its Mechanics, not the controller.

Either buy cheap an live with lots of hassle, or choose a proven board for the higher price

Thanks for the quick reply!

Offline control would just give me the flexibility to not have my computer connected for batch jobs.

Yes, am aware that 80W is input power only (using the figure as that’s what most material uses as well). I don’t want to go to CO2 laser due to high voltage and more complex alignment, etc.

Planning to use the card for laser module only as I have a big CNC for routing. I’m actually going to use the bed of that CNC as the table for my DIY laser.

Which “proven board” would you recommend then? This is really the recommendation that I’m looking for.

I don’t understand you, i fear.

Would you Build a complete separate Mechanics for the Laser on top of the existing CNC?

Yes, exactly.

The CNC uses a heavy steel gantry and wouldn’t be capable of rapid movements. Plus it would wear out the mechanics prematurely, so I would prefer to have two separate mechanical/electrical systems on the same table.

Have a look at VMS Laser Accessories , although his cards are for C02 lasers you might be able to use one for a diode, go to the facebook forum and message the developer Eric Norton, Its a grbl card. They are in my opinion brilliant cards.
They can very easily achieve speeds in excess of 100mms

Failing that get hold of a Makerbase v3 card and contact me for the firmware, the cards are around 30 euros and should work for diodes, or for a little more money pick up a Laser axe 3 axis card which works fine on laser diodes.

Only on aside note as far as i am aware there is not such thing as a 80 watt diode. What doe you have please, manufacturer and model as I would like to have alook at this.

Normally larger that 7.5 watt diodes are either over clocked or arranged in arrays.

Cards are not cheap and what you are asking is outside of the realm of cheap, 3 axis, on board screen and speed, the last card I purchased was over 200 usd for 4 axis and 1000 mms. Then you will need a computer to run it.

I would still be interested in seeing the diode please.


Ah, i see.
The Ultimate easy and reliable/fast Solution then might be some kind of DSP Controller like Anywell or Ruida. But they come for around 300 to 500$ depending what model and where you buy.
Also you would need separate Stepper drivers. But that would work Standalone via USB Stick, USB Direct connection or even Ethernet.
I have a Diode Laser Based on a cheap 3018 China Router running with a Ruida RDC6442 and a Sculpfun S9 Module.
just take a look :

I don’t mind paying a few hundred (under $300 or so I think is not crazy). I’ll check out the cards you suggested.

The laser module is a Laser Tree 80W. Uses two 5W modules in an array (promise 0.08mm x 0.08mm focused spot). They also have a 20W optical module that uses four 5W modules, but that one is quite expensive.

Thanks, I’ll check those out tonight. I was wondering about the Ruida controllers and whether they work for diode lasers.

I don’t mind separate drivers as I’m toying with the idea of closed loop steppers. I used those for a previous CNC router build and was very happy.

There are two ways to Use a Ruida or other DSP with Diode.
Either put an OR Gate on Laser on and PWM to mix them or simply choose RF Tube Mode without preignition. The former allows you to run a Glass Tube and a Diode in one Machine without reconfiguring everything when switching the laser.

Thanks for the info, the VMS card has built in 2 amp Trinamic drivers for the steppers and is what I use on a one metre2 x 100 watt C02. Its incredibly fast and very quiet. Its bolted to the wall and floor otherwise it will take off. All built out of 2040 extrusion.

The only thing is I dont know whether it is configured for diodes, i know hes thinking of building a specific diode board but not sure when.

Ill catch the vids later on in the evening, thanks,

Checkout Makerbase MKS DLC32. I think it checks every item on your list.

GitHub - makerbase-mks/MKS-DLC32: MKS DLC32 motherboard kit, which is an offline engraving master control kit developed for desktop engraving machines. The hardware is equipped with a 32-bit high-speed ESP32 module, integrated WIFI function, and directly drives a 3.5-inch touch color screen; it can realize fast engraving and WEB web pages. Control, mobile phone APP control and other functions.

That looks at face value on github very impressive… How easy is it to solder the kit together ?

No soldering required. Everything should connect with fairly standard cable ends. Stepper drivers connect through pin headers.

just seen that, boy it looks good for the money, I have twin 10 watt diodes i was thinking of running in an array but needed a better board, thanks for that I will have a good look, do you know more about this and if so would it be ok to message you at all please



My experience with the board is from this forum and there are many discussions here on it and is fairly popular as it ticks a lot of boxes. I’m happy to help where I can.

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Thanks very much, im going to have a god look at it all now and make sure its compatible with my lasers which on face value it is.


Thanks all for the suggestions, it’s been really helpful. I’m thinking I’ll probably go with the Makerbase board. I know I’ve seen them on AliExpress - is there a more official place to order them?
And which offline controllers are compatible with it?

I’m still waiting on my CNC to arrive, and only then can I start planning out the mechanicals such that they don’t interfere with the movements of the main gantry. It’s an ATC machine, so it’s got a few more constraints in where I can place the secondary laser mechanicals and identifying a location for the laser gantry to park when the main CNC is going.

I’m not sure of more official but they are readily available on many web retailers.

The wiring manual specifically lists MKS TS2.4/3.5-inch touch screen as being compatible.

When you’re referring to the Makerbase V3 board, are you taking about the MKS DLC32 board, or the Robin Nano V3?

And do you know if there are any significant differences between the two?
I’m just wondering because the DLC32 board is made for lasers, but if the Nano V3 board is significantly better then I’d rather do that…