Has anybody seen this design file for sale anywhere?
Cheers and thank you
Thank you @HalfNormal
I’ve seen this version it has similarities but it not the one.
Yes I can design the surfboard separately but it also has a Hawaiian Hibiscus flower “paint job(engraving)”
Thanx again
Thank you @RalphU. I guess I can buy the files from @HalfNormal link and reverse engineer.
I guess the reason I could not find it was because it was located in Brasília and VW As a search term would never show up when the description is written as follows :” Kombi Quebra Cabeça 3d. Miniatura MDF Em”
Again thank you gentlemen I appreciate the help very much
And the surfboard also I just bought the Etsy design and it’s not the same exactly. Example the VW emblem is not a separate cut it’s an engraving.
Brazilian the one I want
… the T1 is very cute, I’ve even had a T2 and T4, both California Camper models. I am quite interested in your project, can I be part of it?
Absolutely @bernd.dk
Here are two different versions that look similar but are visibly different
!This is the one I would like to make. There is more finesse in the design
I have the files of this one and it’s “watered down” no details and the parts look like the. Don’t fit as well together
No.2 is also made of plywood and not of MDF like the Brazilian VW
hello @Sasquatch
was wondering if you ever found said file?
have been trying to find it myself.
google search took me to you!!
i found this one.
am going to redesign.
take care
my apologies, should have checked the file out first…
it’s the layered version
Did you ever find the original file.
I have seen the model for sale but not the file itself???
Also mir gefällt das obere Modell auch und als fertiges puzzle kann ich es mir kaufen, aber als Datei nicht. Die etsy Datei ist leider auch nicht mehr vorhanden. Hatt wer mir die Datei bitte?
I have found these . Not sure they are authorized versions. I have not downloaded and tried them.
I think the one you refer to is nicer.
Thank you @bernd.dk . The one I am after has the grill and the VW emblem separate. You can see the in the image above.
Happy New Year my friend !
yes, i can see that now. Strange that this item is no longer sold.
Happy New Year and especially health to you too (and our other friends)
I found a site in Russia that sells the finished product however I want the SVG to make my own.
I have a question… How in sam hill do you order the file?
Were you able to?