Lost connection to LB

I was trying to connect to my ATEZR L2 24W using the WiFi connection on the engraver. I wasn’t successful, and now I can’t get my engraver to respond to any inputs, even though it states that it’s ready. I’ve rebooted my computer with no luck. Can anyone tell me what I’ve done to my USB connection?

LB Error 1

Try adding your laser as GRBL and not GRBL-LPC.

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That’s the GRBL device that was automatically found when I first got the engraver. Now when I try to find the device, it won’t find anything. That’s the problem; it won’t communicate, even though it says it’s ready. I’ve rebooted the computer as well as the engraver. I don’t get it. I didn’t really change anything, because I was not successful in connecting with WiFi.

Is it showing up in your computer device settings.

Maybe you have to add it manually

I didn’t change a damned thing, and today this thing decides it’s going to work now. I do IT for a living, and this kind of crap boggles my mind. I appreciate your time and effort, and sorry for the waste of time.


Never a “waste of time” if someone learns from it.

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