Lost Lightburn It Wont Open

I updaded the recent update and lost Lightburn. It wont open. What do I do? It won’t open!

Did it install properly?

It just doesn’t open

Yes. Ive been using it for awhile.

I need thie up and running.

Did you have 2 monitors hooked up last time and now just 1?

Mike the software is not in the apps

Best I can say is download the latest ver. and reinstall.


Thanks. Been trying. Will keep on!

Try pressing the windows key + the left or right arrow on your keyboard. This can be used to dock windows to the sides of your screen, but also comes in handy for finding hidden windows on your desktop and putting them somewhere you can see them.

If no luck, perform a restart and try opening LightBurn, let us know how that goes.

It didn’t work. Tried downloading the trial doing the sa.e.

WOW!!! I want to Thank everone who tried to help me with this problem…
When I kept trying to download LightBurn it kept doing the same thing.
Got to thinking is there something with my computer.
Sure Enough. It needed cleaned up!
Thanks again.

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