Lost network connection. Ruida 6445G

I worked until 2am this morning with the laser and a MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.0.1 without problems for the last year. This morning, every file transfer has failed… 50 times or more. Restarted computer, routers, internet connection, switched out ethernet cables, checked the address numbers.

I’m out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated.

I have an eero Pro 6 mesh and I don’t see the laser listed in the connected devices.

Since posting, tried to connect directly through ethernet and a file transfer usb cable… no luck

Is it possible the networking card went bad sitting for a couple of hours while turned off?
Is it something I can replace?
Is the card something I can source locally?

You should be able to see the connection with whatever software you use to view your local network. I have Linux and use ‘arp-scan’ for that.

You can check your Ruida machine console, bottom right is the lan status. If the hardware is connected it will show lan:on or something like that…

You can also check led 12 on the Ruida to see if the hardware thinks it’s connected … the picture indicates the error led … ignore that…


Thank you for your help.

The icon on the lower right says there is a connection.
The #12 LED is lit

Also, #11 is lit, #14 is lit and #13 is flashing.

Obviously this is a module and not something I can change out a networking card. I’ve ordered a new keyboard and control module for it. Supposed to be here Thursday.

Sorry, 15 is lit, #14 is flashing

You don’t want 13 illuminating…

It sounds like the Ruida thinks it’s connected, at least hardware wise.

I’m not a mac person, so I don’t know how to check your local network for connections…

What ip is your machine set? Is it duplicated by some other device?

The Ruida has a static ip, so it doesn’t get an address from the router. You usually have to tell the router you have a static device out there… or it could issue conflicting addresses.


Yes, the addresses match. I hope my original post was clear… This set up has worked for over a year, right up through last night at 2am. I shut down for the night and went back to work this morning… but lost all the connections. Everything turns on and moves like it should, I just can’t send new jobs to the laser.

If everything goes ‘up and down’ the same way it will probably work… it’s when there is an unusual boot sequence or another device added in that messes this up.

We are trying to help… so we point out what is most likely… to say ‘it’s worked a year’ doesn’t mean the ip problem has been handled properly and you are not clear that you are even aware of this issue …

All the hardware seems to indicate it’s working …

  • Did you do something with your router to ensure the Ruida IP isn’t being issued to another device?


Just to throw this out there. How many files do you have saved on the Ruida? If it gets too full the Ruida does weird things. Maybe even connection problems.

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Ironically, I cleared the Ruida memory yesterday morning. I was sending files to the Ruida, but when I tried to access them, they weren’t there. Once I cleared the memory, everything was fine and I was able to run the laser for like 13 hours non-stop yesterday.

and when I say non-stop, I mean, 40 different files, multiple uploads, all the things you do to run a laser for 13 hours.

Today, I can’t load a file from WIFI, ethernet or file transfer.

LED codes out of the manual.

after about 20 attempts at giving it a new address, it finally connected.

thanks for all the suggestions.

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I still don’t know why it quit working in the first place, or why it took so many times to reconnect it.

as @jkwilborn suggested - this sounds a lot like an ip address conflict.

if your dhcp-server doesn’t know about your controller’s static ip and/or it isn’t part of a reserved range there’s always the possibility that after x days/months/years this same ip is handed out to another device. and so it goes boom… no matter how many moons it had worked before… :hugs:

switches (might) have a cache, things like an ip address conflict can really get hard to debug if one doesn’t know about it and doesn’t reboot all of them when changing configs.

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