Lost Rotary Settings

I am using a galvo fiber laser with a rotary. Each time I use LightBrurn I have to set the rotary up again; step, orientation, split size, & overlap. Is there a way to automatically save these rotary settings in LightBurn so that I don’t go through the setup process each time I use LB?

I believe that kind of definitions get stuck to the device settings…
As a workaround you can create a set of devices for flat and a set of devices for rotary.

I can’t offer help, but settings should be the same as where you left them, except after upgrade they reset to default. I just tried several on off, off computer off, back on, etc, settings stayed put. Rotary/ galvo. When you change devices or add a device they will reset.
Do they reset to 5000 steps/rotation?

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Yes, the steps are reset to 5000 along with the other related settings. Anything rotary related gets reset to the default.