Low Cost Dust and Fume Enclosure

Started engraving hockey pucks with a fiber laser. In an attempt to minimize/eliminate dust and fumes, designed an enclosure using a standard food storage container. It is low cost and quite effective. The dust is kept inside the container and the fumes are routed through a carbon activated filter before venting to the outside.

The container was sourced from a local supermarket. A 180mm opening was made at the bottom of the container and a 75mm opening was made on the side of the container for venting purposes. 3D printed rings minimize the opening while engraving, limiting the air intake and increasing the speed of the air entering the top opening. This has the side effect of keeping fumes from reaching the lens :slight_smile:.

The container is used upside down, like a dome over the item to be engraved. Iā€™m planning on spray painting the enclosure to minimize the brightness of the sparks while engraving. See pictures below.