LX1 Max Connection Issues

Hi so owning the LX1 Max for the longest time I could not get it to connect to the computer. Recently I have tried trouble shooting the machine and got it to kind of work as it would disconnect once connecting. Now I have gotten it to stay connected by connecting it before it does it’s setup with the laser. Now when trying to connect the machine to the software the design space does not connect and show an error code and Lightburn just says Port failed to open already in use? Which it is not already in use nor am I using bluetooth with it while connecting it. I tried contacting support for the first issue and they were of little to no help as I figured the first issue out on my own. And when contacting about the second issue they are now recommending things I have already tried. So to try and figure out something I came to here and am now hoping that maybe someone has the same issue and has the answer or has something I may have not tried yet.

Please if anyone has any helpful advice it would be most appreciated!

As such also the computer is more than qualified as it is a ROG Strix G15 Advantage edition as well as the firmware is up to date and the software as well for LDS 2.7.0 as such I am hoping this helps as well as the computer has two ports.

Have you tried using a USB hub ? Something with dumb USB2 ports.

Well I have tried now and it has malfunctioned with windows it gives an error for the machine. So I don’t know now as it is getting weird.

Can you confirm that the Laserpecker software is fully closed before you try to connect with LightBurn? If it is open (even in the background) it will prevent LightBurn from being able to take control of your laser.

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