Macbook Pro / XTool P2 / Lightburn

Has anyone successfully connected a Macbook Pro to the XTool P2 using Lightburn ? I can get this to connect when using my older PC, but I would much rather use my Macbook Pro.

I have followed the directions given by XTool in the help section to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated; XTool support has been no help so far.

The error being shown is:
There was a problem sending data to the laser.
The machine may be busy or paused.


I don’t have an XTool laser but have my macbook pros running three other lasers with no problems. Do you have the CH340 driver installed?

I installed the driver and still no connection; I have the M1 chip - will that make a difference ?

That’s the processor in the Macbook Pro. That’s fine.

Regretably the information about the xTool P2 is a little bit sparse.

If you can get at the Circuit board and take clear pics, you may be able to spot the serial communications chip. The number expected most often is CH340 ( or CH341 ) there are several others - I’m not certain that it is a CH340 in this case. Most of the xTool controllers use an Expressif (ESP32) microcontroller chip. These use a special driver if there’s no other serial chip present.

The biggest chip on the board should be the microcontroller. If it’s a shiny stainless steel ESP32 take a good pic because there are lots of different versions of it.

If not, it’s still good to have the number for the large chip.

The serial chip is smaller but it should be physically nearby. I hate to have to ask but we seem to have no record of the required driver for the serial chip.

I have resolved the issue. Lightburn support said usb-c to usb-c connections on xtool are problematic for some users. put in a usb hub and older usb to usb-c connection to xtool.
also, I copied the ldev file directly to an open lightburn screen and the connection was immediate.

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