Machine homing problems

Hi folks.

I own ruida controled chinese red black CO2 80W.

In last two weeks i noticed every 3-6 switching on a loud noise when laser head start the homing process. this noise was hearable for 1.2 sec. and really just every 3-6 switching on.

This anomaly start after a 2 weeks of not using the machine . So i assumed , it was from dirt and greese on rails , after cleaning every part on inside of machine and lubricated rails everything was okay. since today morning .

So i start the laser with main switch, and j jump 10 meters away because so damn loud noise started . laser head was in middle of work area and go down in X ax and when it was down start go to Y right , when it was on in corner it dont top moving and trying to go more to Y right . .

i hit central, manualy move head to middle and try to figure out what hapenned . After reset it was the same , after another reset , same. i try immediately hit ESC when i hear that loud noise . and after several tryin , it start work and SMOOTLY go to standard right upper corner without any problems and noise . i start my 2 orders to make , and about 30min of running when i was ready with jobs , btw no problem with accuracy .
I try 5x reset 4x same problem 1x no problem. i dont what more trying im afraid it destroy the geometry or the belts or the motors …

do some research - my tips . limit switch cant be dead because it start work .
steper motor cant be dead because it start work.

Does somebody deal with this type of problem ?

could be a cable break if the problem occurs sporadically. Can you see if there is a light on the controller that blinks when you manually move the cable duct?

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Your description isn’t clear…

Do you know if it’s a homing issue or does the noise start before it gets to the home position?

If it’s a homing issue you can check the hardware pretty easily…

I made this short video, but it shows how to trigger hall effect home switches.


thanks for video, i will check today, the noise start whnen homing start . if i stop homing with escape noise stops.

Sounds like there is some problem with the Y axes… I assume you have have manually moved the Y gantry and there is no ‘drag’ anywhere…

Have you checked the motor drivers to assure they are OK? There are power and failure lights on most of them. These are mine… green power LED, just above it is the red error LED… w/arrow…

While you are in the electronics cabinet the Ruida has a hardware error LED… Doubt it’s a controller problem, but check it out also…

Once you get it halted with ‘esc’ do both of the axes move without that noise?


Guys thanks for tips .

Today it looks like everything is all right…I try it 20x and no problem with homing .
I check the wires and connections they looks ok, nothing moving

Did you find the issue?

Intermittent problems are the worst to troubleshoot…

Good luck


Unfortunately no. The issue is somehow gone …

Just tried the connections if they fits and check the limit switches they work fine for now