Machine no longer in device list

Still pretty new to this but had everything working fine last week (made 30 sneeze guards for our local county offices). but after the 9.13 update i have not been able to connect to my laser. I’m currently using a Orion Motor Tech 60W laser.the set-up wizard finds my ruida 644xg but after hitting finish nothing shows up in my device list.

If it’s already been set up you don’t need to set it up again. Are you using the trial, or a licensed version?

trial version. and it says laser is ready, but if i try to preview it says i need to set up and connect a device.

If you click the ‘Devices’ button, nothing shows up in the list?

yes, my devices list is empty. and if i click find my laser it shows my laser but after completing the add device config my device list remains empty

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