If I have my machine set at max power 10%, as an example, and in the Lightburn program, I set my cut layer to 90%, will Lightburn override my machine settings and cut my material at the machine’s 90% max power? or will my file cut at 90% using only 10% max power of my tube already set in the machine? I hope that makes sense. I had this conversation with some…she thinks Lightburn overrides the machine, I don’t think it does. I think if the max power is set at 10% on the machine, you will not get more than that no matter what the Lightburn file is set at. Anyone with any input?
Is this from the console ‘max’ or in the Machine settings?
If you set the ‘max’ via the console while the layer is running it will lower you power to 10%.
Set here
If you set it in the Ruida ‘maximum power’ laser it will limit the output to 10%. 50% power set in Lightburn will result 50% of 10%. The head speed can also come into play.
Most of these controllers have limits. This prevents you running code on them telling to exceed what the physical limits of machine can do and cause damage. They are ‘speed’ limits for each axes as the laser field has it’s limits, upper and lower.
You can damage a co2 laser if you run it below the area it can properly lase.
Make sense?
ok, that’s EXACTLY what I thought. Thanks for confirming that for me
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