Machine stops even if the preview and frame is running fine


Anyone knows what this means?

I ran the preview and frame with no problems.

Then start burning, an this happens to the right on the bed.
Happened 3 times now.

It’s an Ikier 24w machine.
Added new device with correct work area so there should be room for my project.

can you post here the .lbrn for check?

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Death Star 03 test.lbrn2 (30.4 KB)

I have an Ikier K1 Pro. Running firmware 1.433 and LB 1.4.03 on a Win10 PC via USB. I’ll try and give this a go when I get home.

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Continuing the discussion from Machine stops even if the preview and frame is running fine:

I’m twisting my head around this.

Do you manage to cut 400x400mm?

I’ve never tried an actual job larger than about 325x325, but I can send the head all the way to the corners (410, 750 for mine) with the move to location tool.

What engrave mode are you in? At the touchscreen settings…Fine, Standard, or Fast? Not sure it matters in this case, as that error doesn’t seem related to machine limits. But may as well check regardless.

I take that back. Just noticed a partially cropped line at the top of your picture that says hard limit triggered. The design picture looks like a line layer, though, so I would honestly expect the motion to fit easily inside the limits.

I’m at work now, this evening i give a try

No problem. I’m about done with my workday. I plan to try running this file in about 2 hours.

I think there is an issue with the laser offset.
I set mine to 46mm.
Then the framing is going perfect.
Do a test cut, then it crashes to the right side.

When i turn of offset laser and use Fire in Move for a reference on the corner of my material, the test burn runs fine.

Did a test with a 400x400, same result. So it is possible to cut big

I have never used the red cross pointers. I won’t be any help there. Although, I believe LA Hobby Guy has a YouTube video about setting it up.

Here it is. Since the crosshair is offset approx 50mm to the right, it would make sense to me that the effective working area would shrink approx 50mm in X. I could be wrong, though.

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Yes, used this video when setting up the machine.

But then i think the Ikier homepage should write in specs “when using crosshair, its 364mm cutting area” :smiley:

Maybe i stop using crosshair on big projects

I just ran your test file 5 times successfully.
1st run at 1500mm/min, standard mode.
2nd run at 1500, standard mode, design enlarged to 405mm x 430mm, centered on X (205), Y@219.
3rd run at 1500, standard mode, design enlarged to 410mm x 435mm, centered x, Y @219 (got overscan warning, but it executed fine)
4th run at 3000mm/m, std mode, 410x435, centered the same, warning same, outcome same.
5th run at 3000, fast mode (doubles accel rate over std.), same, same, same.

I’d say your problem is the crosshairs offset. I ran well beyond size and speed settings I’d usually consider useful. Enlightening regardless. I did wonder just how much of the bed I could use. I have at least half the answer. Overscan is still a question, but it seems LB calculates that, so if it doesn’t throw a warning on a big fill, we should be pretty good.

Good that it’s working :smiley:

You have the extension kit, maybe that is why it won’t crash.

I have checked offset many times today, it is 45mm.
I did cut it with no problems when I unchecked the offset laser.
Then i used Fire in Move for a reference on the corner of my material as i wrote earlier.

Did send some messages to Ikier Support, they will come back later with something

I suspect you nailed it right there.

Yes, LA Hobby Guy says the same.
So on big projects, no crosshair for me.
Smaller ones, crosshair.

Thanks for testing the file

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