Machine stops moving, laser stays on

Hi, Any advice on an issue with my HPC LS3060 machine. I’ve fitted a new bulb and been testing for a week with no issues. However yesterday the machine starts a cut and the x axis and y axis stop after 2 seconds but the laser tube is still lighted purple but no movement on the machine. The buttons on the machine control panel are not responsive and you have to press the emergency stop to restart for the control buttons to rework. The machine goes to the Datum and the x axis and the y axis all move fine manually. Testing the laser with masking tape over the mirror and the laser fires and is aligned. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

That suggests the machine controller has suffered a heart attack and gone toes-up.

It is possible that the HV wire (the one with chunky red insulation) to the laser tube anode is arcing through its insulation or at a splice, with the current flowing to the frame or internal wiring. This could knock the controller out, particularly if you added / changed / moved the HV wire.

The return wire (the thin one, typically with black insulation) from the tube cathode must go back to the power supply. If it has a splice or a bad connection along the way, one side of it will be at the HV potential and can arc to other components, so check that one for continuity and good condition, too.

Examine the HV wire for signs of charring and make sure it’s not routed near anything else.

Hi, thanks for responding I really appreciate it. The machine controller works again after I press the emergency stop and restart the machine. I will check the red and black wires for any signs of what you have suggested. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Thanks Paul