Is it possible to create a macro switch that can be turned on ans assign the switch to park the laser head up and out of the way of where it just finished?
This is related to a previous post about me making small 50x50mm round engravings and swapping new ones in.
This would be useful for a LOT of things I do.
I know with my 3d printer / CURA i can add “END GCODE” to perform a nozzle park when jobs are done to easily remove pieces from the bed.
I’d like that BUT with an easy way to toggle it on and off.
Thanks in advance for your time
2 suggestions:
- use the existing Z controls in Move window to send the laser head where you want it
- set a macro in Console to send the laser head where you want
aware of these. I’d like to create a toggle to add end gcode to specific projects.
not something i have to click on every time. know whaddamean??
There’s no way to do this on a per project basis.
You could do this for all jobs by adding gcode to the End GCode field in Edit->Device Settings->End GCode.
You could add the laser a second time as a new device which has the end-gcode attached in device settings. Make sure the rest of the settings are identical. Then you can select the laser type in the laser window, e.g. “MyLaser” and “MyLaser Parking”. Now it’s just a matter of one dropdown menu and the click on “start”
HA! That’s a super clever workaround. I may mess around with that and see if I can get it to run consequent of the “first” laser (:
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