made a 4x4 square sent it to engraver it engraved a 4x8 rectangle. why
Check Rotary is not enabled
i reset lightburn and made another 4x4 square. still same problem. when i go to frame it, it travels to the middle and starts framing the x axis but when it gets to the y axis it goes up and keeps going so i have to turn off the laser.
Resetting LB may not fix problem if the project was saved AFTER you made the change causing the error.
there are a few things here.
Take a screenshot (link below) and capture the work area and whatever windows are open.
Drag that image into a reply here. Leaving rotary mode on can change the number of steps per inch or mm on the axis that was wrapped around the project. there are two signs on the screen but they’re hard to see.
If that isn’t it, it could be a problem with a stepper motor driver. I’m only offering this because the error is exactly double.
what am i taking a screen shot of?. i opened a new project and made a 4x4 square, sent it to the engraver and frame it. it frame a 4x8. i must have changed some setting because it doing it to all my projects.
I would probably look in device settings and see if your laser is still set up correctly. I would then look for any loose or too tight hardware on your laser itself.
Have you tried “calibrating axis?”
File>Machine settings [at the bottom]
i looked up the setting and made a few changes and now they are what they are what there suppose to be. Still not working properly. i followedpatricr Patrick Rose and re calibrate axis. i tried about 4 times and i finally got it to work. Thanks for your help.
thanks for your help. i followed your advice and looked up how to calibrate axis. thanks again.
LightBurn offers two indicators that a ‘Mode’ for a rotary device is ‘on’ (also shown when rotary mode is accidentally left on). It’s important to make sure it’s off. I want to see if any indication is present. It’s often overlooked, but the difference in rotary and non-rotary modes is RARELY double.
There is a small green circle near the middle of the rotary Icon toward the top of the screen (in LightBurn). There is also a Rotary Mode label at the bottom of the screen when the Rotary mode is engaged.
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