The power supply is 12 volts. The Laser is a 60-watt 5-watt output.
I’m not sure I’m explaining this well, so here are some pics. The first one shows the 3-pin harness that connects to the laser module itself. The 2nd is one of the two 2-pin modules at the other end of the 3-wires, this one showing the single 'S’ignal wire going into the harness, that would then fit into the TTL connection on the original board, while the other 2-pin harness has the other 2 of the 3 wires going into the 'V’oltage and 'G’round connections of the 12V connector from the pic in my last reply. So, I’m assuming I’m going to have to turn the two 2-pin harnesses into one 3-pin harness? Unless there’s another option?