Making sure that I have the right parameters to connect light burn to my snapmaker artisan

I am new to this software and I am getting conflicting information in making sure that I have it set up right and the everything that I am using is compatible.

My laser is a Snapmaker Artisan with a 40 watt laser. I can also use my 10 watt laser. As far as I know it uses G Code. The Light Burn software is a new purchase basic, therefore it should be the latest version.
I am trying to understand how to set up the Light Burn software with the Snapmaker Artisan. I am using a USB to a miniUSB cable to connect to my pc to my snapmaker. I have down loaded CH 341 SER to my laptop.

According to Snapmaker I should be getting as a machine profile " snapmaker-artisan-40w-v1.lbdev "
The software tittle at the top of the screen is “untitled> - Snapmaker -LightBurn 1.7.04”.
The device list shows “Snapmaker | GCode”
Find my device shows "GRBL-M3 (1.1e or) (10mm x 10mm)… (GCod… Serial/USB

??? Do I add this as a device?

Because I haven’t found the profile code listed by snapmaker I need to know if I am setting up the interface correctly.

The lbdev file should be on the USB stick or memory card provided with your machine by Snapmaker.

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You have here the Snapmaker wiki with the .lbdev, after download just drag the file over your Lightburn window and it will be auto-imported: