Mark ? Setting up device after initial install

Brand new member that just purchased Lightburn for my home computer. I only have access to lasers at local CreatorSpace but wanted to do computer work at home instead. Software was installed and I skipped the device setup part since I did not have laser connected.

My question is how do I now set up a device so I can modify cuts and layers. I get a message that they cannot be modified without selection of device.

Please post a screen capture of the message here.

I am in New York now and live in Florida (that is 1000 miles). I designed this project while here. All I have to do is plug in the laser when I get home and i am ready to go.

Flea Market Sign.lbrn2 (249.0 KB)

.CORRRECTION: I need to turn on air Assist for the Cut Out layer.

Here is the message I get. I will not be plugging this computer into a laser. I will take the file created on thumb drive and installing on computer connected to laser.

Sounds like you have yet to set up a device, you can do this even if you don’t physically have a laser at your PC, please see here:

Thanks. Got it figured out.

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