I am using Klipper to control my laser and have everything working correctly, with one exception. Lightburn sometimes does moves (GO) with a speed setting of F0, which means no speed. I get it to work by changing all F0’s for F1000. I have look through all the settings and can not find a way to change this. Is there a way to change this?
If I’m remembering correctly, enabling “Fast Whitespace Scan” in Edit->Device Settings dictates G0 speeds for Marlin devices. Have you tried configuring that?
You’re the only person I’m aware of trying to use Klipper for laser cutting. Note that unless something has changed that Klipper is a particularly bad candidate for laser cutting. While Klipper has incredibly high throughput capabilities it was not designed for low latency. At one point I thought this had ruled out the Klipper team from even exploring adding laser function.
That was the fix, thank you! I knew it had to be there somewhere, but hadn’t tried that one.
As for Klipper, Cirromulus created a fork that supports faster PWM control speeds, which was what the main issue was. I have been using it for engraving and cutting for the last month and it is working great. I really like Klipper as it allows so much customization and Gcode macros, which allows you to customize everything. I have my laser mounted on the front of my CNC and can quickly change between both, while preserving and adjusting the references.
PWM frequency was one issue. The other I thought was related to buffer size and buffer flushing latency. But if you’re having success with it that’s great. Have you done cuts, vector fills, and image engraving?
Had to add as well, as I mentioned, I am using Klipper on the same device as a CNC, started using KCNC macros created by vladbabii but have highly modified them since I started. But it has all your basic CNC Gcode commands implemented through macros.
I have never use the GRBL conversion part of it but Klipper doesn’t natively support the Marlin CNC offset commands G54-G59 and G10 L20 to set these references, which most CNC software uses. This allow you to set a references on your workpiece and work from there. His implementation is a little bit convoluted as he tried to implement all CNC gcode options. I have rewrote most of it utilizing Klippers offset function and eliminated the less useful commands. None of it is really needed but it makes life easier when working on a project.