Mask and delete area

Hello, I have a question about masks and deleting area.
maybe a reverse mask function would be useful, a function where everything that remains outside the selected area is kept.
or a “select - delete” identical to the windows paint function in order to make a removed space inside an image.
I think about a lasso to capture freehand or using drawing shapes as delete.

if this function is already possible I have not been able to do it, please learn me how.
now to make a rectangular hole inside a rectangular image I have to sample 4 portions of the image and recompose it around the unwanted area.

many thanks

to make a simple reverse mask it could be enough to reverse the order of the selected objects, for example if A is the image and B the mask rectangle it could be simple to choose selection order. whether select B + A and keep only a rectangular portion of the image or select A + B and delete a rectangular portion inside the image.

rectangle, circle hexagon is indifferent, even a hand lasso could help a lot to cut off irregular portions of images or make collages.
if in future releases a function like this will be added I think it could be very useful, thank you.

It’s hard to quite tell what you’re looking for so I’ll go by what it sounds like, that you want to be able to mask the reverse of your current design.

The mask will follow the same rules as filled shapes, paths enclosed in another path will be reversed. So, if you draw one circle, that will be positive, if you draw another circle around the first, then the first circle will reverse and become a hole, leaving a donut.

So in your case, draw a larger shape around the entirety of your design and now the reverse portions of your design will be used to mask an image.

Thanks, I try to explain better.
if i have a photograph and i want to open a window in it i cannot use the mask.
I can but I have to make 4 squares capture to go around the area I want to exclude.
Would be useful a mouse menu item that allows to delete any part of an image within the selected area.
as you say it cannot be done, the mask function accepts only one draw (box or circle) if I make 2 draw items and I selecti it together with the image the mask function disappears from the menu.
as you say, making a donut is exactly what I mean but I have not been able or I didn’t understand how to do it

Draw a shape around all the negative spaces that you want. Then group all the shapes so that they’re treated as a single object. Then select both the mask shape and image to be able to apply the mask.

thanks, i managed to make the donut. a bit complicated but once you understand the method it works well.
an additional creative tool for erasing selected areas would still be handy.

I think what you’re looking for in terms of “erasing” can be accomplished with the boolean tools.

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