Material Library for two lasers with different laser Watts


I assume that’s just the nature of the way lasers are generally controlled, via PWM or similar pulsed type control.
With that, the power is “easily” controlled by controlling the pulse width percentage.
That control method and controller designs also predate our “hobby lasers” by a decade or a two, so no wonder it was -and still is- the power adjustment method of choice.
Back in the day, there was no need for anything fancier, since laser machines -or any CNC machines for that matter- were sold and used as a package: the hardware, the control, the firmware and sometimes even the software.
Randomly swapping components just wasn’t possible, or at least not feasible.

That said, even though I pretty much gave up on trying to learn coding in the late 80’s, I see no reason why there couldn’t be any other method of control as well.
A method that would serve better in the cases like this one.
It probably wouldn’t be as universally compatible as the percentage based, but easily configurable for several different lasers of the same design.
