Material settings chart

Hi there.

I just got my NEJE 3 Max and I am a newbie in the world of diode lasers. I’d plan to cut MDF (4mm) and Plywood (4mm) and do engravings on both. I am running the Neje with the 40640 module, honeycomb panel and air assist. Is there a chart with settings somewhere or does it make sense to start from scratch running cut and engraving tests? Really appreciate your help.

I wouldn’t start from scratch.

Head over to NEJE’s web-site and take a look there. While I’m not familiar with them, most laser manufacturers have some kind of starting recommendations.

If you can’t find it there, head on over the TONS of good content there. Rich has generic material libraries for different lasers that will get you close. Someone there will certainly help you out.

Good luck! Be prepared to learn.

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Thanks Will for your quick reply. I found just two settings at Neje’s web-site but lahobbyguy has a great material library with various materials for sale.

Use some of the tools that are available withing Lightburn, such as the materials test.

You will, in all likelihood, have to adjust them anyway.


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