Using Lightburn for the first time, and wanted to start with a material test. You-tubed it (don’t we alll) and when I attempt to do a preview, my screen is blank white boxes, no text. It seems there should be preset boxes with the speed and power parameters. I have set up the speed and power in the Generator, but Preview won’t show any wording. Also when going to preview, I get the following warning …
One or more shapes are crossing the edge of the machine workspace
and will not be sent. Continue?
What am I doing wrong?
Berainlb - I took three screen shots, and added them to my original post. The first shows the settings I am using per my Creatlity recommendations. (But I also tried before without changing settings). The second photo shows the popup I get when trying to open the Preview. and the third is what my Preview looks like. All the samples I see look more like this:
I think the reason you are getting the out of bounds error is that you are too close to the edges of your workspace. Try increasing your X and Y centers until you no longer get the error. Mine defaults to center of my work area (205x205)