I know there are topics about mirror images or material-test. But my xtool D1 is printing a mirror image of my material test
I’ve tried searching this before starting a new thread. And yes, I’m a newbie. Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions.
Dell Laptop, Windows 7
This is almost always going to be caused by an incorrect Origin setting in Edit->Device Settings.
Having said that, this implies that you did not use the xTool provided .lbdev file when creating your device.
I suggest you do so. Read more about how this works and the file on their site:
I actually do have the xTool-D1-V2.lbdev in the directory. I had to add this to have Lightburn recognize the device.
Can you take a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings?
The additional settings under GCODE: both radio buttons are off and the following is in the Start Gcode box: M106 S0
This is odd. Your settings seem to reflect most of the things I would expect for the .lbdev file except for the one critical one causing your issue.
Your Origin setting should be top-left. Change the position of the dot to top-left and you should be good to go.
I will try that as soon as I get back to my shop. Thank you!
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