I’ve searched and searched with no luck on this. Material tests are great, using primarily on our UV Galvos and Fiber Galvos, but the squares are limited in real world examples. For instance settings that work well on simple squares many times don’t work as well on finer detailed artwork like small text or intricate curves with thin lines. I would love to have the ability to use custom shapes like a star, or simple text like “TEST” to get a better fine tuning. The same goes for images, there’s no way to run a material test on small images like an eyeball. Is there any hack or workaround currently to replace the squares with a custom shape? This would be extremely helpful because right now we have to fine tune settings for different use cases. I know that Lightburn has the ability to create arrays and then scale the power in shape properties, but UV galvos don’t use power. If more options where added to these properties like having the ability to scale other settings i.e. pulse, speed, frequency, interval, that would work. But ideally if this was added to the material tests that would be amazing.
I agree with you. You might want to move this to the feature request category.
Create your own custom material test. Make it any shape or item you want it to be. Use the array tool to create multiple copies in a grid and use the shape properties to control power. This video shows you how. He uses squares but you can use any shape or text.
Appreciate the reply, but I’m aware of the array tool and shape properties which I mentioned in my post. This does not work in my case. I’m running several UV galvo lasers, and a fiber laser. UV lasers have no power settings. The power is controlled through a combination of pulse width and frequency. Other parameters play an important role too, like the interval and number of passes. The material test generator is the only way to accomplish this in Lightburn.
I would like this too. Have you added a feature request? If so, swing us a link, and I’ll upvote it.
Yes, I just added the request. Please go ahead and upvote. This is an absolute must feature that would be incredibly useful for our workflow: The ability to add custom shapes, text or images to the material test generator. · LightBurn
Done! I’ve given you an updoot and explained some of my own reasons.