Material Test Wizard

First of all Happy Christmas one and all

Hi, I want to keep the results after using the material test wizard as well as enter the best results into the library
I know it will burn on to the material the speeds and powers etc but is there a way to print on the material what the material is such as "Plywood 3mm " or
“Cardboard 1.2mm”


What about the Notes Area in LB itself?

Hi Vette90
Thanks for the reply but i dont really understand what you mean by what about the notes area , That could be due to the fact that I’m an old bugger so dont catch on as quickly as I did when I was younger, but more likely its having to many glasses of wine, ( it is christmas day after all)
When I use the material test wizard it makes a 100mm square piece of material with squares that iether will or wont have cut through depending on the speed or power settings. The speed and power are anotated along the sides of the test square, What I am asking is can I also get it to print on the square what the material is and its thickness

Back to the wine

Don’t think so…

Notes allow you to annotate what you are doing… I don’t think it’s what you want… doesn’t get applied to anything, it’s stored with the project around., just a place to enter information. I use it a lot, here is a screen shot of it… It’s not related to material test.


Not a good answer, but I used to write the missing data on the cards by hand. Now I mostly use self-made tests.

I’m guessing the only current way to accomplish this entirely within lightburn (without using self-built tests grids) would be to save the test as GCode, then import (maybe open?) into a new project, and add text, cut outline, etc.

Which, regrettably, would not include all the layer information, because LightBurn imports only geometry from G-Code files.

I forgot that detail. I never “save gcode”. Regardless, it’s a pretty short walk from there to a functional test. Not having a cut outline is one of several reasons I prefer building my own tests. Once you get the first “template” made and understand the process, making alterations is trivial.

Probably… it leaves it open to human error would be my only comment…

This works well and generates a Lightburn project file… might be more flexible for you


Thank you all for your help but I think Chris CGGORMAN came up with my best option for now

“Write it on by hand”

Maybe I should add it as an upgrade request to Sculpfun

Again thank you for your help and hope you are having a great Christmas

I know I am , Santa brought me lots of Polybak in 0.9mm , 0.6mm and 0.3mm from Laserboard | Polybak Laserboard | Greyboard | Hobarts

to use on my Laser and also 6KGs of resin for my 3D printer So I shall be busy for a while 😉

Jack, thank you for posting about using notes. I did not know, or noticed, that option. I will be using notes with all my projects. :smile: :upside_down_face: :ok_hand: :+1:

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