Taken delivery, unfortunately, of a Mira 9, 90w with 2" lens. Cant say much positive about this machine at all!
So, i sold my 100w Co2 Opus laser which had a 2.5" lens. Both machines are 6090 bed size.
On the opus.
Acrylic 3mm cut settings were 18mm/sec @ 36% power, cut through no problems.
Mira 9 settings, 12mm/sec 65% power! Same material.
Opus on 6mm MDF, 18mm/sec, 45% power.
Mira 9, 6mm MDF, 8mm/sec, 89% with 2 passes!
I dont understand why the Mira is half the speed and mostly double the power when i have only downgraded by 10w of laser power.
Can any other mira owners please share their 3mm acrylic cut settings?
Can anyone please explain the vast differences in speeds and power i am now experiencing?
Thanks in advance for any information.
Everything has been aligned by the supplier, mirrors are clean, bed level, focus set by auto focus then verified with focus block supplied.
They work… you must have a problem with one of these areas…
I’d start out with an alignment check… Check the tube output before m1. It must be in TEM00 mode or resonance to be working correctly.
Then follow up with the mirrors and lens.
Did they come to your place and do this?
If the factory set this up and put it in a truck bouncing down the road or a ship, it might not really be aligned… To assume it’s OK is a bad assumption.
I’d wager that ~10% change in parameters are about all the adjustments you should need… because of a 10% change in power…
I thought the same, but unfortunately not the case.
Everything has been aligned, squared up, cleaned by the supplier and verified ok!
Looking at pulse spot, i think its in TEMoo mode. How would i check the output before M1? All lenses pulse spots are pretty central on each mirrors and laser is pretty dead centre on the cutting tube end.
I dont get why im needing such massive power hikes compared with my last unit!
If it wasn’t in TEM00 mode then you can’t properly align it.
The optics count on the proper power distribution across the beam… if it’s not in the TEM00 mode then there are focusing issues… The lens is what makes these work and no lens can fix a bad input beam.
I would have thought that the tech would have seen this and stopped until they had a good tube…
You do follow the issue here? It’s out of your control.