Mirroring command... how to keep original as well

How do you keep the original when mirroring an item? The command deletes the original.

Take a duplicate of the item before flipping. Cmd-D on Mac.

Thanks … that’s so lame ! Should be a keyboard shortcut.

You mean something other than Cmd-D?

I apologize… what I meant to say was it should ask you if you want to “keep original”

Ah… got you. It sounds like you’re interpreting the tool as being a “mirror this object” tool when it’s more of a “flip this object” tool which implies a different base state.

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Welcome. Um, lame? We do offer documentation to assist finding features within LightBurn. What you are looking for is called ‘Mirror Across Line’. :slight_smile:

Mirror Across Line

Select objects and the shift select line to mirror them about, and then click “Mirror Across line” or press “Ctrl+Shift+M” Windows or “Command+Shift+M” on Macs.

You have the option to use an Icon, a hotkey, or select from the menu.


Note: (I extend a special thank you to John11. In providing the answer to their inquiry, I found we have a minor UI bug, label/menu conflict which will get resolved shortly.)

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