How do you keep the original when mirroring an item? The command deletes the original.
Take a duplicate of the item before flipping. Cmd-D on Mac.
Thanks … that’s so lame ! Should be a keyboard shortcut.
You mean something other than Cmd-D?
I apologize… what I meant to say was it should ask you if you want to “keep original”
Ah… got you. It sounds like you’re interpreting the tool as being a “mirror this object” tool when it’s more of a “flip this object” tool which implies a different base state.
Welcome. Um, lame? We do offer documentation to assist finding features within LightBurn. What you are looking for is called ‘Mirror Across Line’.
Mirror Across Line
Select objects and the shift select line to mirror them about, and then click “Mirror Across line” or press “Ctrl+Shift+M” Windows or “Command+Shift+M” on Macs.
You have the option to use an Icon, a hotkey, or select from the menu.
Note: (I extend a special thank you to John11. In providing the answer to their inquiry, I found we have a minor UI bug, label/menu conflict which will get resolved shortly.)
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