Missing background texture from Inkscape files


I’m facing an issue regarding text with background on a design I did in Inkscape (latest version). I’m using LightBurn 1.0.04.

I’ve added text, set the border color to black and fill color to pattern (dots, lines etc.).

As always, because fonts from SVG files are not supported when importing to Lightburn, I’ve converted the text to a path using “Path/Object to path”. Then saved to svg.

This is what the design looks like:

When importing to Lightburn, the text outline is there, but the inside is empty, no texture.

How is it possible to solve this?


Hi Ralph.

I just wanted to pass you a thank you for these clear step-by-step guides you sometimes post. They’re really helpful and good reference material.
I appreciate the time and effort you put into them.
You’re a total vector boss too!

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