Missing Hotkeys/Shortcuts (1.1.02)

Hey There

Since the last Update 1.1.02 im missing a lot of Shortcuts/Hotkeys…
Ctrl u = ungroup
Ctrl g = group
(Ctrl c = copy) works
(ctrl x = cut) works
(Ctrl v = paste) works
Ctrl z = undo
Ctrl-Shift-Z = redo

and lot more… Is there any Chance to get them back please… :slight_smile:

Isn´t there the wrong Versionnumber written???

Greeting JK

Not able to reproduce.
I’m on W11 with v1.1.02.

All but redo work as listed. Redo is shown as Ctrl-Shift-Z in Edit window and works fine. I never used this before so don’t know if was previously Ctrl-Y.

Do other shortcuts work correctly?

What keyboard type are you using? Might be related.

I’m on US QWERTY for the record.

Hi thanx for your fast reply

Im working on W10 with DE Deu (QWERTZ) keyboard and Version 1.1.02 in German, I have the same issue even when i switch to the Eng US (QWERTY) Keyboard.

Ive seen that cut, copy and paste work perfect, but group, ungroup, undo and redo (Ctrl-Shift-Z) do not.

I will try a restart after the actual Job


It appears that one of the translators also translated the shortcut keys, which completely breaks the system that binds them. I’ll get this fixed.


Thank you for your support

This should be fixed now in the 1.1.03 release. Let me know if you have any other trouble.

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