Mks dlc 32 in totem s

I successfully replaced the motherboard of the totem s
by a mks dlc 32 v 2.0. with tf 35.
installed bottom left y-axis and left x-axis endstops
everything works perfectly the home at the bottom left ok.
the laser is ok.
te everything connects to lightburn ok home ok.
on the other hand when I launch a framing I have a direction error
on the y axis, the head hits the endstop.
an idea ?
thank you in advance

first of all how do you have made the origin in LB? bottom left i presume.
you have to change the $3 parameter for Y

merci beaucoup

I will check the settings
thank you

Thanks a lot
everything is working
I still have to calibrate the axes.

everything is working
merci à tous
merci lightburn
j’attends vendredi pour acheter la licence (black friday price ?)

You are welcome to wait but there will be no sale price or discount structure offered. LightBurn is already priced as low as possible to include as many folks as we can.

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