Mks DLC32 ESP32 FW Grbl WIFI connectivity Success

Lol, did not even check the newest release!!!
Will definetly check that!!!

The main thing here is to get ride off of the usb cable umbilical cord to a PC

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i have the laser in another room :wink:

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I am testing the Ethernet/TCP connection from LB and it does not connect at all. I wonder if there is separated setting that allows to set the port.
hope you had the chance to test it out.
my end, I tested out and it did not worked from the NATIVE LB DEVICE communication selection tab.

No. I donā€™t have any device that could potentially support this although I guess could potentially mock one up. I was hoping someone would have worked this out to see if it was worth exploring.

From what I understand LB is expecting a telnet like connection so assume it connects to port 23 but uncertain.

I could not find any settings that would allow me to enter the port #ā€¦ in LaserGrbl, once your set up the setting as TELNET, and by using the IP:8080 I was able to connect the DLC32 without issueā€¦

But with LB, there is no much of info yetā€¦

the little board, I am using it with my diode and K40 C02 laser.

@Fire260 extra info

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@LightBurn Can you provide guidance on how to use the Ethernet/TCP port type for GRBL devices? Not as straightforward as I was hoping and donā€™t believe itā€™s been documented anywhere as yet. Would be nice to start experimenting with this.

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yup, second what BerainLB saidā€¦
there should be a place where we could set up the port for the Ethernet/TCP to communicate with the controller board. hope we could see some news from LBā€™s team.


you wonā€™t believe!!!
I got it to work!!!

LB uses ini files.
I exported and found that the telnet port was configured as 23.
just needed to mod it to the port that we need and woila!!!

Nice! Have you been able to test a burn? Curious about the reliability.

Ability to specify a port would be certainly be a nice addition.

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testing it now.
dry firing the laser and still there is the communication issue with the board.
it will hang in 30 secs. so it is not good to live streaming the job.
Issue reported back to MKSā€¦ low priority for themā€¦ :pensive:

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