Mks DLC32 ESP32 FW Grbl WIFI connectivity Success

Hello fellow users,

I was able to use WIFI from my new MKS DLC32 FW Grbl 1.1 to connect to Lightburn via a virtual serial port.

The virtual port was created via TIBBO Tibbo Device Server Toolkit software for Windows

I received the suggestion and guidance from a FB member Ondrashek Zátopek (Credit goes to him).
I was able to use Telnet to connect to LaserGrbl and Lightburn via Virtual serial port.
hope this can help some of the LB user out there.


Can you provide more specifics of you setup. Anything specific except STA mode and use the IP assigned by the router.
In Tibbo, on my PC when I switch to Client and enter the IP address, the settings do not remain. I think the problem us the “Device Server” is not working. I can connect to the IP address through the webui.

Yes. It is a bit tricky to set up the Tibbo’s VSP.
I am working at this moment.
Will be back home tonight and will try to see if I could Mel some screen shoot to help you.


just a question… Tibbo has to be installed on both machines or is necessary only on the controller machine?

The VSP is created on your PC where LB is.
It allows you to connect Wirelessly to the K40 or Diode laser.
BUT, there is still issue when running LB LIVE streaming Gcodes to the laser.
I have already reported on MKS’ GitHub site.
But if the more ppl report issue the more likely the team will dedicate time to release fixes on their next FW release.

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once it the VSP is created, you cannot modify it going through the COM port property!!

you would go through TIBBO again and when you are at the last page, go to the port setting and modify it from there.

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Thank’s, I have the same board and now works perfectly in Wi-Fi, but remember to change from the default 9,600 to 115,000 bound the virtual port.

Were you successfully live streaming work from LB and complete it?

Have any of you tried using the new IP option for GRBL devices that was introduced in 1.1.00? I believe it’s expecting a telnet like service on the receiving end.

Curious as to how this is working but haven’t had a chance to try this myself.

I configured the MKS Board so it is connected to my router, on my desktop pc I configured a virtual usb at 115,200 boud rate and connected it to lightburn and now works fine, like if it is connected in wire mode. I can control the machine, the laser and send a print… but with the default 9.600 boud rate it don’t work fine… at 9600 I can control the machine fine too, but if I send a print the laser after a while stop and don’t complete the work. So it is necessary to set the 115.200 boud rate.

Works wirelessly via telnet.
But live streaming still not suitable.
Basic functions via wifi all good under LaserGrbl

Just to be clear, this is the result going through native Ethernet/TCP option in LightBurn, not the virtual serial port?


Disappointing if it can’t be used for streaming g-code.

Select serial/usb and then select the port… that’s all.

Sorry, I was directing my question to @NorthernStrong.

Perhaps I should have opened my own topic since this one was focused on using Virtual Serial Ports. But wasn’t aware of others actively trying to get WiFi connections working.

I was curious if any had success in using the native new LightBurn feature for Ethernet/TCP connections for GRBL devices.

Yes, I’m using the virtual serial port… it is necessary to set it correctly to go in streaming… otherwise it hang up. After serial/usb you need to select the correct port (virtual) previously configured.

but… remote desktop? is not the same? controlling remote pc? and easier?

I put the laser out of the door, close the door and print in Wi-Fi with the smoke out of the home :slight_smile:

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Yup. LB needs to be selecting the serial/usb port.
The virtual port is only to be able to use the wifi IP THROUGH THE SERIAL PORT.
Since LB does not allow communication for Grbl devices via IP

I don’t understand we’re is the problem working with the the usb virtual port… I today used LB and LaserGLBR fine with the new virtual port com4 set to 115200 boud…

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I think I’m not making my point. LightBurn does now allow for Ethernet/TCP connections for GRBL devices as seen in my screenshot starting in v1.1.00.

Wanted to see if anyone had experimented with that since you all are investigating WiFi in general.

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