MKS DLC32 random resets

Week as I’ve received my DCL32 with 3.5" screen.
Was going through build, upgraded drivers to 2209, all setup - so far so good.

When trying to frame by repeating some moves - once in a while it report hard stop while away from it, or resets.
Suspecting noise on home signal lines - I’ve disconnected them. Same problem.
Disable all homing stuff - no random hard stop trips but still randomly resets.
Got 16A analog lab supply, thought maybe supplied brick cannot hold glitches - no difference.
Right now frequency of random resets is such that I cannot reliably finish any job.

Running G54 with negative offset increases resets ~x10. That makes me think that this is firmware problem. I’ve tried x4 latest versions for Laser and CNC - all the same.

Googling “DLC32 random resets” returns robust set of results, including GIT bug reports.

While studying manufacturer GIT files - for some reason there appeared to be two DLC32 GITs, one from Makerbase and another from Macrobase, very suspicious.

Does anybody else has DLC32? If so - any issues with random resets?

I had this exact same problem and it turned out my TMC driver currents were set too high. The drivers were shutting down to protect themselves and it reset the DLC32. With this board you have to make sure you are using the 2208/2209 legacy or stand-alone drivers, since the DLC32 doesnt have UART or SPI comms for the driver current settings.

Thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve tried it. Gradually dropped the current where it almost stalled (trim pot on 2209 from the center to 2-3’o’clock position). No difference, still resets.
Additional thought: there are no facilities to pass overload signal from drivers back to the micro, all signals unidirectional. The only way overload to trip the micro is a power brownout. But considering my power supply this is unlikely.
I’ve changed motor currents from 1.4A to 0.7A and virtually no difference in reset frequency.

Not all without hope: I was able to do multiple moves at 8000 (mm/min) rate and 2000 (mm/sec`2?). It does not feel like machine struggling at all, but still resets every couple minutes.
I gradually trimmed max rate down and at 5000 speed and 400 acceleration I’m no longer observing this problem. This once again made me think that this board (ESP32 micro) is choking on computation.

Unlike FluidNC, that I’m pretty sure this thing is based on, DLC32 has additional computational load of serving LCD.

Motion is running much slower now, but it is stable. Maybe I will forget about it and get used to slow movements of it.

Those are VERY high rates. Most machines don’t run near those speeds. In my experience, 2000-3000mm/min tops for small setups like this, and 1000mm/sec^2 or less for the accel.

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Agreed about rates too high. But there is no hardware for high rates to cause reset.
It appeared to me that DLC32 has computational limit where it probably runs out of time and WatchDog resets.
At this point I do not believe that motor current too high may cause MCU reset, at least not with sufficient power source.

Though there is one possibility related to high currents: motors and end switches on my JL1 are just flat ribbons, no twist or shield. It is a possibility that motors and PWM laser power cross-talk to home switch signals causing hard limit trip and soft reset as a result.

I got to try to crank it up again (currents and speeds) and disconnect home cables! Will report…

Hello do you managed to solve it?
I am having the same problem but i am using it in a laser cutter machine.
What i have conclude so far is that some serious EMI cause the mcu to reset occasionaly when the laser tube fires.
If i set the power from lightburn to 0% and lpsu on no reset at all.
if i leave the PSU off no reset at all.
Will finish the job fine.
Tried almost everything. Change usb cables, decoupling end stops, ground chassis change power supply of MKS. Same thing.

If i set the power above 50% percent it keeps reset itself in random times.
Removed everything motors end stops and left only the PWM cable and increased the distance between the LPSU (by the way its one of those black chinese psus) .
No reset at all.

The following days i will extend all the other cables motors end stops etc and try again.
Does any other one uses MKS DLC32 with those LPSUs?
What is the distance between them ?
Do you experience random resets ?

I can’t help you with this issue, but because this thread is two years old, you may want to start a new thread (you can reference this one) to get some fresh eyes on your particular problem. Just a suggestion.

I can’t recall exactly, but I did a few tings and eventually no longer have resets. I also first suspected EMI but no filtering, decoupling, shielded cables, better power supply solved it.

What I did:

  • lowered motion rate max frequency (lower speed or larger microstep)
  • reduced PWM frequency ($33)
  • use faster SD card, if burning from the card, or experiment with baud rate for serial.
  • firmware update. As received - board had LCD UI bug.
  • carefully trimmed motor current to exact or slightly lower current than specs for the motor, use current clamp probe for true measurement

I believe motion pulses max frequency did the trick. Can do it in board settings or G-code post-processor

When my laser moves to the home position and the X-axis is at its farthest point, the board restarts. The X travel distance is 1500 mm, and the board freezes after moving about 1000 mm each time. It seems like too much data is being processed somehow, but I don’t understand what to do. I have external stepper motor drivers, and the speed is low.