MKS Sbase with lightburn wiring/stettings Tutorial?

Hi there, i tried to look up if there is any tutorial or overview for setting up the MKS SBASE 1.3 for Lightburn.
I already have the firmware installed and Lightburn is talking to the board. But i wonder what i have to wire to get the most use out of it.

Im also wondering what settings need to be tweeked for the K40 and im planning to have a rotary instead of my z-Axis table which is installed right now.

Im pretty sure that this topic has to be discussed but to be honest i didnt find what i was looking for within the last 30 mins. May someone help me out?

The MKS-SBase is a Smoothieware based board, but you’ve posted this in the GRBL section. Which firmware are you running?

I flashed grbl-lpc which i was told should be working with lightburn. It looks like its communicating:

Auf Verbindung warten …

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]


[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]






Target buffer size found



Homing fail. Cycle failed to clear limit switch when pulling off. Try increasing pull-off setting or check wiring.


Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


But i really got some doubts about wiring it correctly for the K40
The alarm seems clear, i havn´t hooked it up yet, as i was looking for the correct way to do before frying the board or the laser

I haven’t wired an SBASE, so I can’t help with specifics there.

Ideally you would have limit switches set to home against, and then you’d need to configure the homing directions, pull-off settings, travel ranges, step size, acceleration, etc. All of that is covered on the GRBL docs configuration page:

I see, this is a general problem, i thought that it would be easier finding some information. never the less, thanks for your help !

I think the normal stuff to do is not that different like on any other GCode based Machine like 3D Printer. I think i can cope with that, but i really am afraid im hooking up some wires incorrect and damage anything.

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