In my experience, Low speed/High power/Few passes will finish the job faster, but leave much more charring and a wider kerf. High speed/Low power/Many passes leaves a better cut quality, but takes longer overall. Everything else falls in the middle and can be a compromise. It is going to depend on what you are trying to achieve.
When you state speeds, please use distance units/time format (mm/min, mm/sec, in/min, in/sec). 1000 speed means nothing to someone on the other end if they do not know what units you are talking about.
Who is the manufacturer? I have a NEJE MASTER 2S with a 40 watt module.I can cut 3 mm MDF at 200 mm/min 50% power 2 passes. Recommend using masking tape to reduce if not eliminate “scorching” around the cut. I also have a small fan blowing at the laser as it cuts to remove the smoke.