More photographic etching

Hi all
today i attempted to engrave onto anodised aluminium with mixed results. i engraved a gradient so that i could see the marked/unmarked parts and get the optimal DPI for my machine (boxford BGL 690) i used the settings in lightburn for anodised aliminium as a starting point. the mage came out but with a usb microscope i was unable to see anything remotely usefull (see image 1)

i also tried a conventional microscope with no joy, i was hoping to see a line of dots and unmarked area’s to refine the dpi settings
as i had a stack of cards i thought i’d just try one with an image and see what happens. i set the dpi for 300 with a line interval of 0.8

both images have a sort of scratching at the bottom, rest of the image is really nice!
heres my settings

what am i doing wrong?? and has anyone succesfully put the image under a microscope and seen the dots clearly?
many thanks for all replies

The video by Laser Everything is excellent for getting the proper dpi/lpi for any laser with any material…

Most co2 lasers with stock lenses can’t get below 0.10mm, so a smaller might not be advisable/possible…

You should be able to see the dot pattern with a microscope… laser focused?

Good luck


i focus the lens at 9mm from the work, today when i used lightburn to start the burn i got this:

when i start the burn from the machine it works ok
also the asign function for anodised aluminium no longer gives me any settings? do you have a setting as a starting point for this?

Is this the animal you have?

Who did the test image?

Looks like a grub screw has come loose…

It’s mechanical… check both pulleys, usually a grub screw holds them in. Good solid mechanics are a must… so check over anything that needs to move that it’s movement is secure…

How fast are you running?

@ednisley might have another view…

Good luck


Hi jack, yep that’s my machine

I did the test, spoke to an engineer who said it might be the auto focus catching it, I used a lump of wood routed out 1mm to hold the card so it might well be that! Will have a look tomorrow

Will check the grub screws as well

I used the assigned setting for anodised aluminium, 300 i think

Thanks for all your help


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