Motor Reversal on Omtech 60 watt co2 Laser

I have recently received my new Omtech 60 watt laser. The first time I turned it on it went to the upper left hand corner. From everything I have read and researched it should have defaulted to the upper right corner. Although I could live with the upper left position, the accuracy of all coordinates are way off. Yesterday a project with text had it reversed. Could this be a motor going in reverse? I have tried virtually everything to change the home to upper right with no success. Any help or suggestrions would be appreciated.

If your laser homes itself to the top left corner then that’s the corner you need to have selected in your Device Settings where it says origin.

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If you physically rotate the machine 90 degrees counter-clockwise, that will put your Home at the fromt left position. If you do this, will the gantry move front to back?

A new machine should boot and work. My machine homes to the back/left, as that’s the configuration.

Even people with a lot of time working with these have issues when attempting to change the factory home location.

It’s generally considered not user selectable.


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