Mounting a camera

I am going to get a camera for my 100w co2 red and black. Is there a standard camera and mounting location that members can let me know about. Have never used a camera. But think it is time. I move a little slow on some things.Just looking for input.

Far from an expert, but given the bed size, usually the camera is mounted in a way that can only cover the full area when open
like thus:

The important is that the lid can be open and closed in a replicable way. or you will lose all calibration if the lid opens in diferent positons each time

Let me warn you and encourage you. You will see a ton of naysayers complaining about the camera (I used to be one!) but when you tackle that project and get your tricks to calibrating it…you cant live without it…well, almost. I have the same setup and I moved my struts back to basically have my door straight up and down and mounted it where like the man said…IT CANNOT MOVE from open to open. Hers a couple of pics of mine. works like a charm. Arducam 5 mp, something like a 90 degree view angle on amazon for cheap. Any

further questions I’d be happy to answer as I battled this thing and now its a breeze to setup and invaluable to use. Heres some pics (Same machine, I got bored and painted!)

Some folks run wire rope from the sides of the lid to the frame, adjusted so the rope sets an absolutely repeatable “open” position with the struts still slightly compressed.

I don’t know how they keep the slack ropes out of the machinery with the lid closed, but that’s in the nature of fine tuning.


thats a good idea! simple but i see how it would work!

That sounds like the best system. I have heard people talk about the quality of the camera view. When trying something new I usually go to someone I feel I can trust. In this case it would be light burns cameras. The 8mp or 5. The only problem is the bed size. From reading it sounds like the 8mp are for a larger bed. Will that cause a problem?

I’m going to state the obvious even though these models only have 3 or 4 sizes. Gotta know your bed size to answer the coverage question. BUT, for the time being, I have a 28x20 and 100% coverage with a $30 Arducam 5MP and as I said before…I love it (kinda). My advice would be go with 5 unless your taking your Fakebook selfies with it every morning before work and LB camera I would assume eliminates the guess work but if you chose the alternative, I would do it with the understanding inginuity may be a prerequisite. Here’s the link. Good luck!!!