MOVE tab changes

Can anyone explain, whenever i run a job, MOVE tab on right side changes.
It was not happening before sometime.
And i have noticed, when it changes, laser looses power.
i.e. the parameters with which i used to cut before, doesn’t work now.
Either i have lower speed and increase power, or i have to increase number of passes.
Sample photos attached.
Please help!!

This is normal behavior and should have worked that way previously. Is it possible you weren’t showing the Move window in previous runs?

This shouldn’t be the case. The window only allows for adjustments to be made but doesn’t actually change anything without your input.

This is likely unrelated to the Move window.

Run the standard checks:

  1. make sure your speed units are the same as you’ve always used (mm/s vs mm/min)
  2. clean lens
  3. check focus
  4. examine lens for damage

If none of those things resolve the issue then it’s entirely possible that your laser module is degrading. I’d also suggest checking your power supply to make sure it’s in proper working order. If you have a meter you should check voltage on the power supply.

Thanks Sir,
But if i increase power in that adjustment (when move window changes), will it increase power during the job ??

Yes, but only if you’re not already at 100% power.

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