Move Z to safe height between groups or layers


I’m trying to engrave the base of multiple trays at once.
Since the sides of the trays are higher than the laser’s focus distance, the laser head bumps into them when moving from one tray (or group of trays) to another.

I figured that I could use multiple layers and insert a dummy layer in between to reset the laser head to a safe height.

Is there a more practical solution?

Should be able to do it with Z offset.
Set laser higher up out of focus then set offset to drop it down in focus.
The I believe you can enable relative Z moves.
But thats for grbl, not familiar with ruida.

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I’ve done this before but i forget the exact details. I think you do the z axis offset. You could use a dummy layer for this. I believe the Z axis offset moves from the current position. If you put a dummy layer with offset of 5 the z axis will move down by 5. It is cumulative so another dummy layer with a z offset of 5 will move down additional 5. To move back to original position use -10. Play with it a bit and you should be able to easily figure it out

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I found it. Here’s the instructions on some tests i did a while ago on how Z axis Offset Works

I was wondering if anyone has used the Z Axis Offset. I assume with this you can adjust the Z axis height for each individual layer for cutting or engraving. Example: Layer 1 is engrave, set z axis for engrave height. Layer 2 is cut move laser down for cutting

I have a job that has 3 Layers, The first layer is engrave, the second two layers are cut.
So i would set the depth of cut manually for the first layer which is engrave before i start the job.
On the second layer i set the Z Axis Offset for 5mm to move the laser down 5mm for the cut
No problem there.
What about the third layer which is also cut?
Will the Z Axis move back up and i need to also set the third layer for 5mm Offset or will it stay at the current Z Axis Position which was 5mm from the starting position

OK. Did a test and it looks like the Z Offset is Accumulative from the original position. So to do this i need to do the following

  1. Set Z Position for Engrave focus depth before starting job
  2. Set Z Offset for 0mm for first Engrave Layer
  3. Set Z Offset for 5mm for second Cut Layer
  4. Set Z Offset for 10mm for third Cut Layer

It does work but the downside is it increases job time because it repositions Z for every individual design element. Might be more efficient to just leave Z Offset at 0 and then run each layer one at a time


Thank you all

I was able to achieve this.

  • set laser to engraving distance
  • use a dummy layer to move the head up -10mm
  • use design elements to control the head movement over the side of the tray
  • engrave again down 10mm

But there is a limitation to this, the number of layers.
Is lightburn limited to 29 layers?

Is there a more practical solution?

Don’t know of any other solution. Like i mentioned It does work but the downside is it increases job time because it repositions Z for every individual design element in the layer. Lightburn says there are no limits to the number layers you can have

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Good to hear, I think this would be a cool feature.
Say changing height in the same layer for a specific group.

Don’t think you can change height for different objects in the same layer. But you can have sub layers. Maybe that would do it