Multi (ie. Fill & Line) lines out of place when working on multiple shapes

We have an OMTECH 70W CO2 machine with Ruida control, our Lightburn version is 1.2.01 we are having issues when engraving cutting multiple pieces the engraving part is set to multi (fill +line) when machine is working on this layer first it does the fill for all the pieces then goes back to the original starting point and starts doing the line, but after the 2nd or third piece then it starts engraving the line outside of the patter it already filled. We have checked the file, the mirror alignment, nose head, belts you name it and we can not figure out why is doing this. We have no problem when is a single item or perhaps two but when we have a large task with multiple pieces it messes up everything with the exception of the first two. Please help!

Settings are 200 mm/s with 25% power

Please share what this looks like when you see this behavior, so we can “see” what you do. We can go from there. :slight_smile: You can post screenshots and images to help.

Hi Rick, Just uploaded the photos. The optimization settings are cut by layers

Hello, quick update we tested on an older version of lightburn we downgraded to 1.1.04 and seems that version is working well on the engraving multi layer on an array where the 1.2.0 and 1.2.01 version is not working at showing in the images above. One again we checked all the mechanical aspects of our machine and all seems fine, it looks like this is more of a software issue. Can you please advise?

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Thank you for this additional information. If willing, we would like to look at that file to do a comparison here and try to reproduce what you are observing. Please share a file where you are able to reliably produce this outcome. You can also send to, if you rather keep private. Please include a link to this post for context, and we can go from there. :slight_smile:

Hi Rick,
Sorry for the delay, here is one of the files. I have this same issue as on this one with any other file where I create an array to cut multiple pieces at once.
thejoysweddingjars.lbrn (114.3 KB)

While investigating this further, I’d like to suggest testing again with ‘Flood Fill’ turned off (red) and report back. Are you still getting the same results? :slight_smile:

Hi Rick, here are the photos of the test and is pretty much still the same result. On the photo the top pieces are done with flood fill on and the bottom with flood fill off and is pretty much the same.

Which OS are you using? I want to send you a link to a beta release we are currently testing to see if that resolves.

We are using Windows 10

Direct Message sent.

A few more questions and suggestions.

To help determine the source, please try running this exact job using RDWorks. Does it do the same thing with the same art and settings applied? To ensure accurate testing, make sure you have the same settings, art and configuration for both LightBurn and RDWorks.

As an observation, if you run the whole job, then come back for the outline / cut-out work, any slippage at all will “buffer up” and the final pass will be offset a lot. If instead, you fill by group, and run groups first, then by layer (in optimization settings), slippage will be confined to a single item before moving on. :slight_smile:

I also suggest review of the following as another potential source of the issues you are observing. Please let us know what you find as you progress through these troubleshooting steps.

Hi Rick,

I am not familiar with RDWorks, is this another software? do I need to purchase this software?, when we purchase our Omtech we purchased with Lightburn, I know Omtech has a ruida controller but I never installed or have RDWorks.

I will try your other suggestions and see if that helps. It is just a bit frustrating that i was working at one point and now we are facing an issue where we can not run the most updated version and run large jobs.

RDWorks is the free software provided with the Ruida Motion Control system. OMTech will be able to provide a link to the most appropriate version for your setup.

We understand. Finding a workflow no longer producing as expected, without a clear indication as to why, is challenging. Yet, I am also confident that the only way to get to the root cause is by investigating the commonly known issues these complicated machines can have.

Testing the individual components of the ‘system’ is a solid approach to help isolate where further investigation should focus. Testing the LightBurn results against that of RDWorks is one way to isolate the software performance from that of the hardware. Are you also working with OMTech Support? They may have additional investigative suggestion from the hardware side of things.

I would like to double-check, can you please confirm that you can run your entire file without issue using an older version of LightBurn?

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Hi, Rick,

I truly appreciate all your help with this and will be following all your suggestions.

In regards to your question. We have two computers with light burn and we normally upgrade the system in both. Since we started having this issue with the latest version of lightburn and when we started communicating as you can see in one of my earliest replies. We downgraded to version 1.1.04 on one of those computers and that is how we have been cutting these large orders, and left the most current version on the other computer so when we are doing the testing has been with the computer the most updated version. So long story short, Yes, Version 1.1.04 is working perfectly on these files.

As far for Omtech, we have not worked with them since we were able to determine early on that this is not a mechanical issue but a software issue.

I am checking to get a copy of RDWorks downloaded and do the test as you suggested. I will let you know how that works.

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