Multiple Layers Shifted and Jogging

OK, after doing some digging and reading of past posts, I think we have a different issue with our machine and software. Initially we did a test file that we purchased from an Etsy vendor to have a template for engraving settings and cutting settings. This file used different power settings for each little circle to vary the speed and power. The first test came out alright but the “17” on the speed for the cuts was out of alignment. the circles for the engraving seemed to drift as well. The machine being used is a brand new OMTech 60W CO2. I have verified that we have the latest version of both Lightburn and the driver on the machine is up to date.

The far left was our first burn on the laser.
The middle is the second go but this time we used the USB thumb drive to transfer the file, thinking it was trying to live drive the machine from the laptop we were using.
The far right is the last burn we did today, most of the cuts didnt go all the way through, but that is a separate issue. we are now getting a jog in the middle of our circles on the engraving and the text isnt aligned with the circles.
I have reduced by 25% the acceleration and the speed for both the cut and the engraving settings on the machines as previously discussed in another thread. I also verified that the jerk settings are set to 0.
on our last alternate cut from a different file had a huge wave showing up in the engraving and it was so far off from the cut it was complete garbage. it was just simple letters with some fill offset in 1.5mm and then cut out.
Here is the photo of the machine settings.

and another photo of a single row of the circles showing the weird shape and the offset of the letters vs the engraved circles.
We have checked the tension in the belts and the steppers, all good. again, this is a new machine.

Thanks in advance for any help!

oops forgot to include the last photo.

Here is the image of what we are trying to run through the machine.

I see some unusual spacing in the Numbers.

In the Cuts/Layers menu, please select the layer where the numbers and text are handled and double-click on the name of the layer. The Cut Settings Editor window will pop up. Screen capture that window.

If the mid-window tabs for Advanced and Line (after fill) select those and capture the information in the window.

I’d like to know if flood-fill (in the Advanced window) is being used to fill the numbers and at what speed and power.

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