My fill/line settings on my sent file is not what I assigned

Hi. I don’t know why my OmTech laser is not receiving my file from lightburn with the fill/line settings i chose. For example, i assigned line 10 speed with 50% Max power and 200 speed and 35 % power on my file. I would then send the file to my laser machine. When i start the job, i notice that the laser machine is not engraving and cutting at the settings i assigned in lightburn. It defaults to a totally different speead and power that i did not set. It used to do as i say on the sent file but now it’s defaulting to its own setting. So frustrating. It was working fine before. I don’t know what happened. Please help! Thank you.

assume you have it set for 200mm/s@50/35 for speed max and min power?

Why do you say it’s changed? Is it displayed differently in the machines console?

The Ruida, is relatively stupid and I can not see how it could actually change this…


I was able to solve my issue. I had to change the setting in my lightburn to be in mm/sec. Thank you.

Thanks for indicating how you solved it…

It’s rather frustrating to find your question and the last entry is ‘I fixed it, thanks’… it’s much nicer to have the complete answer in the solution…

Good luck


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