My Gweike G2 50W does only fire with the red diode laser and not the fiber

I have just recieved the laser mentioned in the headline, I tried it out on a piece of brass, and it barely did a mark after 1,5-2 hours of constant running. After that I decided it might be interesting to understand what is going on. And from what I understand my laser has two dual running lasers, one diode laser (red) and the fiber laser which is green/white. The latter not seen at all. And as known, the diode laser does not do much on metal at all. Did anyone else experience something similar?

I have the same model, and if you have it set-up correctly (focused) and your settings appropriate for brass AND you’ve switched the laser on - the silver button on the front must be pushed in for the actual working laser to function and the lens cover removed of course, then you should be able to mark brass no problem in one pass.

What settings are you using for your layer, please share them with us (a screenshot would help). Otherwise you may have a faulty unit.

We have a good explainer with video on focus here:

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Hi there and many thanks for the reply! It seems like there is a malfunction on the unit, the fiber laser works when moving around the focus height, so Gweike decided to replace the unit for me.

Hi Brad,

Honestly, I don’t believe that you have a defective unit at this point!
The focus is paramount.

When the G2 arrives, the user needs to stick on the measure tape on the Z-Axis. If one does not do this accurately, you cannot go by that to set the focus.

What you describe how it works if you move around the focus height completely makes sense in this regard.

Do this please: start an engraving that takes a while. Move the focus up and down until you get the strongest burn. - This is your focus height. Review our video about Galvo focus:

Then you can move the measure tape on the Z-Axis to zero.

You can then go by the ruler to set the focus. The more accurate way to set it though is by aligning the two red dots.
This was not set up correctly when I first used my machine either so you need to adjust this by loosening the screws of the brass-colored red dot laser on the galvo head and move this brass ball until the two red dots are aligned perfectly.

I was unable to find any instructions from Gweike about this process and if you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, I recommend reaching out to Gweike.


Damn! You were right, The fiber runs now. I will follow the steps you listed here Aaron. But right now with very basic settings, I was able to deep engrave a bit of metal. And it worked. Not perfectly, very rough result, but I have an idea on what I need to do.

My laser lens is marked as focal at 210 mm, however I found out that the laser sounded most and looked like it worked best at c. 230 mm. Strange!

Anyhow, I am really greatful for the tips and help you guys gave me here. I hope I can be as helpful as you are someday at this forum.



That’s great to hear!
Feel free to send us a picture of the results. I’m happy to help you improve it if we can.

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