My laser is burning only very faintly, have read relevant documentation but no joy

Hi, i’m trialling LightBurn, using a LaserTree F45 (10w optical power) on a stock 3018 CNC Pro).
My laser is burning very faintly, i’ve read the Common Grbl Setups and Configuring a 3018 CNC and also watched some videos.
I have laser mode on.
$30 matches in the software and the hardware at 1000.
$110 and $111 are both 2250 which is correct and tested for my steppers.
The laser burns with the same faintness through an entire power/speed greyscale test.


It’s fixed focus at 45mm but i did the height positioning above the test material (birch plywood) by moving until the dot was at its smallest and it measures at 45mm.

I’m sure i must be missing something obvious but it’s a new laser to me, having only used my old K40 before, so i’m stuck for what to check next, any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Gary.

Can you take a photo of the material test results?


May have found the problem, it’s a 24v laser running on a the 12v laser output from the 3018 … doh!
I’ll install a driver board that outputs 24V to test.

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Engraving now that it’s getting the required voltage, fan is also twice as noisy :slight_smile:
Thanks @berainlb

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