My lightburn wont connct to my laser

Hi, my light burn will not connect to my laser. I’ve tried everything that I can find on the web including renewing my license key and it just won’t connect please help.

Aeon Mira 9, MacOS Ventura 

Are you connecting via Wifi or can you use a cable from your laser to your computer?..I had to connect directly to get connection. No problem from there.

If you renewed your license key, meaning you’ve had a key for some time - does that mean that your Mira connected successfully in the past? Or did you recently upgrade to the Mira?

If you upgraded, you may not have DSP devices added to your license key, or the drivers for LightBurn to communicate with your DSP laser may not have been installed when LightBurn was originally installed.

If you’re not sure if you have DSP devices, please email your License Key to along with a link to this thread, and we can further diagnose your issue directly over email.

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