My machine was working properly and it stopped working for no reason the control board takes the signals but motors doesn’t work maybe the signals are not going to the motors but i dont think the problem is the motors because how can 3 of them break maybe im wrong i don’t know. And lightburn gives me soft limiter error and says reset to continue what should i do please help me
Not sure what this means. Can you copy tha actual error message and paste it here?
If your machine is like my Sainsmart 3018, the controller is powered from the USB cable. The motors have a separate power source. I would guess either the power module is bad or the controller board is bad. If you have a voltage metter, the power supply is easy to check.
No the machine is CNC 3018 pro. It used to go all the way up in z axis by itself when i connected the machine but it stopped now. Also its ALARM: Soft limit
[Reset to continue]
Im trying to move it by its remote it gives me
error: Alarm lock
What does this mean
Do not be afraid to provide details. My answer was based on what you initially provided. Is this Alarm 2?
If yes, this indicates your Zaxis up limit switch is either bad or out of adjustment. Did your machine come with limit switches or did you add them?
Soft limit is when i try moving it by the program and the other one is when i try by remote.
We i didnt add limit switches and i dont think it has a limit switch
I also have a 3018 Pro machine.
It needs limit switches to know when to stop. It sounds like it is performing a Homing cycle when it connects to Lightburn.
Home Cycle =
Retract Zaxis rapid until the switch is found.
Pull off the switch a fixed distance.
Move back onto the switch slowly until it closes.
Pull off the switch a fixed distance.
When completed, Xaxis and Yaxis can begin their homing cycle at the same time.
Zaxis MUST complete the homing cycle first.
If this is not how your machine operates, then none of the information you provided makes sense.