My orgin point is starting in the negative

LB community, Please help!!!
I am trying to set my Jtech 7w laser back up on my Shapeoko3 xxl, and am having issues with position. I can home my laser and it moves it to the back right as it should. I can jog correctly with the move controls. My issue is my position, it shows it to start in the opposite corner (front left). When move the machine it indicates on the work surface that I am moving out of bounds even further to the lower left.

Things I have tried:

  • removed and reinstalled laser settings per Jtech website
  • Used the $RST=* as per another post suggestions (this made everything worse and inverted my controller movement)

My $$ information from LB

Have you seen this page in the documentation?
Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation

Thank you for the response, I have seen most of that information through various other topics, but that Shapeoko specific code to input I don’t believe I have tried. I will try it and get back with you on my results. , Thanks again for your help.


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